Last week our art instructor, Mr. G, displayed some projects he had the art club and different classes working on during first quarter. He had sent an e-mail out about one of the projects letting us know that the students can touch them. In his e-mail he said “these projects are rethinking what the shape and form of a book can be so they are meant to be interactive by design.” I asked him (via e-mail) about the project and he sent me his lesson plan and gave me permission to post (with pictures).
Title: Great Themes of Art
Objective: Students will discuss and define the six great themes of art that art historians have identified as reoccurring throughout art history. They are Self, Relationship to others, Nature, Spirituality, Urbanization and Cycle of Life. They will then look at various works of art and in groups try to identify each as fitting into a specific category. During final discussion they will compare and contrast findings with the objective that it is not always clear a work of art fits neatly into a single category. Afterwards they will be introduced to the works of Julie Chen who creates books that are more sculptural in nature, but still communicate an idea. Either working in groups of 2 or by themselves using various materials students will create a book using one of the great themes of art as a main focus. They must make sure that it is interactive like a book but takes on characteristics of a visual art form as well.
26.B.3d Visual Arts: Demonstrate knowledge and skills to create 2- and 3- dimensional works and time arts
27.B.3 Know and describe how artists and their works shape culture and increase understanding of societies, past and present.
I think this holds great potential for cross-curricular/library collaboration. Students could create these art books and share them with younger grades during storytimes. Older students could help younger students create their own interactive books based on stories they write or their favorite storybook. They could go on a library hunt for interactive books.
Thanks Mr. G for sharing!!!
This is such a great idea, Celeste! I love the images of the different art books. It does seem like there is a big potential for library collaboration here as you mentioned, either in storytimes or a scavenger hunt. Maybe even a contest and/or an exhibit in the library to display these, too?